AJ feels overshadowed by his dad Arthur Mafokate’s success

Arthur Mafokate’s firstborn child, AJ Mafokate, says his favourite part about being born into fame is that he is part of a legacy. Mafokate, however, laments that one of the less desirable aspects of his situation is that his parent’s success overshadows him.

“You are a part of something bigger than you; you are born into something that is already established. And there are so many opportunities that come with it. Especially for someone in my industry,” he said.

Mafokate said things that are said in the media make it seen like his father’s success overshadows him.

“It has a direct impact on my career. Because most of the time, people overlook us and just focus on the things that are said about our father.

Pressure to continue dad’s legacy

“There is a lot of pressure to continue the legacy my dad built. He has started things from scratch that have lived on for years and years. And it is his wish for me to continue his legacy. There are big shoes to fill, and I won’t lie, it makes me a little nervous.”

On the show, Born into Fame, he got candid about his career path. He said he was not sure if music was his passion or something he was doing because of his dad.

“I have not thought about that fully, about what my passion is. Because music is just a big part of my life. But if I were not a musician, I would probably be a businessman and an entrepreneur. I also have interests in psychology and engineering. So it would be something along those lines.”

Mafokate believes being part of a reality show has been the realest thing he has ever done. He has had to have a lot of hard conversations with himself, because he got challenged and judged.

“Since shooting the show, I have discovered more about who I am — the good parts, the bad parts. It has given me the opportunity to question a lot of things I do. And to challenge myself into being a better version of my life.”  

Many roles to play as the only son

As the oldest child in his family, he has many roles that he plays. Being the only boy, his sisters look to him for a lot of guidance and leadership. If his dad is not there, he steps in and fulfils that role as best as he can. 

“The biggest lesson I have learned from my dad is to keep trying. Even when you fail, it is an accomplishment. He is not shy about failure. I learned that you have to do what you want to do. And that in itself is success, and I will surely pass it on to my child.”

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