Drip owner Lekau Sehoana’s estranged wife details ‘abuse’

Lebogang Sehoana, the estranged wife of sneaker brand Drip owner Lekau Sehoana, has broken her silence about their relationship and the alleged abuse she has endured.

Lebogang shared on the Madam Speaker’s podcast that her and Lekau had gone to school together. She said they got married in 2018.

When they were in the relationship Lekau was unemployed, while she was working. And she opted for them to venture into multiple business ventures. Some of these ventures were selling eggs, chickens and a Shisanyama. She said she was running a rental business at the time.

Couple started from nothing

“I was a breadwinner for my siblings and my own home as we were a newlywed couple. By then I was financially strained, and we moved into my mom’s house. That was when we started the sneaker brand.

“A year later, I discovered that my mother in-law was not staying in Limpopo but was residing in a squatter camp in Ivory Park,” shared Lebogang.

Lebogang then suggested that her mother in-law and sister in-law move into one of her properties. As time went by the business was growing, she bought a car for the business. And that was when the downfall of their marriage started.

“[Lekau] gained popularity and now he had a new circle and was exposed to a new environment that affected our home. He would come home late, intoxicated and do things that I am not used to, like participating in rituals we are not used to. Lekau would come home at 3am slaughtering chickens. And when I spoke about it, that is when the abuse escalated.”

Trouble started when the brand grew

There was a time when Drip had bad reviews. And every time there would be backlash on social media, he would take out his frustrations on her. Eventually, Lebogang suggested that they separate, because their child was a year old, she said.

“The plan was for him to get help, but he would come home every other day at odd hours. Upon him coming at those odd hours, he would only come to be intimate with me and immediately leave. The abuse escalated to a point where we opted to get divorced. And I eventually had to change the door locks.”

She explained that their divorce has been dragging on since 2022. He suggested that they settle out of court, but still dragged on the issue. Over time, Lekau shut everyone out and stopped taking care of his mother and family.

Started abusing, threatening to destroy her

“He said I should take whatever he is giving me because he is very powerful. [Lekau] added that he is a prominent figure and has connections. Also that he controls social media and has politicians on his payroll. He said ‘just take whatever I am giving you otherwise I will destroy you’.”

Lebogang revealed that Lekau stopped paying maintenance and school fees for their child. She had to get her lawyers involved because he was inconsistent with the payments. 

“I have been trying to get divorced to this guy since 2022. But instead he goes on social media to abuse [me] and lies that he sends us money when he is not. Last week the sheriff went to attach the assets. He called saying he is willing to give me 10% of whatever I am asking for.

“Lekau is a different person he is on social media, you can’t be successful, and your child does not go to school. I have been abused and have gone through a lot and [he] knows I do not like social media. And he is using that to drag me.”

Accuses Lekau of character assassination

She also disputed media report allegations about her trying to kill him and being admitted to a mental institution.

“I am tired of being abused, I have suffered so much in silence. [This is enough], I have been quiet about a business that I funded… [Lekau] is a pathological liar; he even came up with a story saying they broke into a shack. He is trying to divert the attention trying to label me as a gold digger when we started this business together.”

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Also Read: Drip owner Lekau Sehoana denies being evicted from his property

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