‘I couldn’t stop ladies from speaking out on The Mommy Club’

Ntombee Ngcobo-Mzolo hosted The Mommy Club Season 2 Reunion and sparked mixed reactions from fans of the show on social media.

In an interview with Sunday World, Ntombee said she thoroughly enjoyed hosting the reunion. And with the long hours of work, she believes it was worth it.

“I think I did a great job. I watched the show in preparation for the reunion and tried a different approach. And I did not want to deal with issues or ask questions that were already addressed on the show. Most of the questions that I asked were based on what everybody had to say in their diary sessions. Which the other cast members only got to see when they watched with the rest of us,” said Ntombee.

Not surprised by mixed reviews

Ntombee said she is not surprised by the mixed reviews on social media about her hosting the reunion. She said, as a person, she can not please everyone.

“I did my best to get the best out of everybody. And I gave everyone an equal chance to address and answer questions. Unfortunately, other ladies became very quiet, and I would have to ask them questions to get them involved. At the end of the day, a reunion is for people to come through and address issues. With some of the ladies I had to dig and find a way to make them participate.”

The television presenter said other ladies did not wait to be asked questions. You could tell that they had come to the reunion prepared. This had nothing to do with her telling people to speak or not speak. She had opened up the floor for everyone to speak their mind, she said.

Everyone was given an opportunity

“I do not know Mrs Mops or any of the ladies, so I think people were not okay that she was very vocal. Mrs Mops was one of the ladies that did not wait to be asked questions. She would interject when someone said anything about her. But I could not stop Mrs Mops from expressing herself the same way that I did not stop any of the other cast members.

“I gave Ratile the opportunity to tell everyone which jabs she was referring to. She kept saying they were cut out by production and she could not give a straight answer. People can not say I was pressing her, I was actually pressing her to defend herself. Nunurai stood for her truth and she fought where she needed to.”

Ntombee said viewers can expect fireworks on the third part of the reunion. And Barbra will also be there to tell her story.

Also Read: Ngcobo-Mzolo thrilled to host The Mommy Club reunion

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