Actor Thabiso Rammusi, who plays the character of Mpho, will find love again on Season 3 of Showmax series Adulting. At the end of Season 2, Mpho was left a lonely single father, with strained relationships with his ex-wife and mistress.
According to media reports, actress Pasi Koetle will be joining the cast of the new season. Showmax has confirmed that Koetle has joined the cast and will play Mpho’s love interest.
Favourite moment in Season 2
Rammusi has shared that his favourite moment from Season 2 was when his character received divorce papers from Zithulele.
“Watching Zithulele take a stand and reclaim her power was incredible. It forces Mpho to confront his actions and accountability. In Season 3, I think viewers will be intrigued to see how Mpho handles this assertive Zithulele,” said Rammusi.
In this new season, Mpho is determined to rebuild his relationship with his children. However, this presents a significant challenge as he tries to balance his personal desires with his parental responsibilities. He is aware of how crucial change is for his growth.
Resonates with viewers
Rammusi believes Adulting has reached Season 3 because it resonates with the viewers and is relatable. Its storytelling offers a fresh perspective on how men experience life, their struggles and internal battles in today’s world.
“Mpho has taught me the value of honesty, especially in marriage and family life. His mistakes serve as lessons. Dishonesty has consequences, not just in marria,ge but in all areas of life.”
Rammusi shared that if this was not the final season, he would have loved to explore how Mpho navigates fatherhood. Especially with raising a daughter and as she grows, how that influences his decisions. Particularly in his relationships with women.
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Adulting star Thabiso Rammusi talks on fame, marriage and work