What a time to be Kini Shandu

What a time to be Kini Shandu 

Shwa does not know whether to laugh or cry, but Kini Shandu has become the biggest joke in South Africa – all week. There are so many men who think and act the way this man acts; men who constantly belittle women and look down on women, and Shwa has had enough of all this nonsense. Big ups to the women who have come out to speak out about Shandu’s shenanigans.  

Shwa has even heard that the man was dismissed from his own church. What exactly is happening in that church? Why do women not have any say? Shwa just wants to know whether it’s fair for men to sleep around their entire lives, and then decide to take virgins when they want to settle down after having kids out of wedlock? It’s shocking that these men are not even expected to test for HIV/Aids all in the name of respecting the churches’ rules and regulations, which only support men. Kini Shandu, Shwa is not sure how you will get out of this mess, but what a way to start off your year, especially just after you got married last month. Shwa just feels sorry for your new wife who has to witness your dirty laundry being aired for the public’s eyes. 

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