Mcinga grateful for donations to create retirement album

Popular Eastern Cape based gospel music sensation Lusanda Mcinga’s wish of recording a retirement album is now a reality.

This follows after the songstres. leader of the Lusanda Spiritual group, posted a video asking for donations from her fans to record her last album.

Mcinga said she could barely make a living as she had lost her possessions due to Covid-19 and she didn’t secure any bookings because gatherings were prohibited.

She has since posted a video of her and her group in a studio and captioned it: “Live in studio, retirement album.”

Mcinga told Sunday World that the donations helped her afford her a studio session and accommodation.

“I am working on a 12 songs album and my wish is to have a single out in January and the whole album be finished around the Easter season. The first phase of the recording is done, we are left with mastering, designs and all of the final cuts,” she said.

She further said she was not moved by how people received her video on social media because she was addressing her reality.

“I was not bothered by how other people reacted to the video because I was sharing my pain because it is painful to me to watch my career go down like this. Those who donated helped me a lot. My plan is for this album to be the last, but we do not know what God has planned, this could be the first chapter in God’s plans about my career,” Mcinga added.



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