Unsung Heroes 2025

Pollution will make it hard to find quality water – Maps Maponyane

From the breathtaking landscapes of Iceland to the vibrant community of rural Matatiele in the Eastern Cape.

This is Maps Maponyane’s fascinating journey to uncover the significance of water, which has transcended storytelling and culminated in a real-world impact.

As a passionate South African entrepreneur and media personality, Maponyane has become an integral part of the Glenfiddich Challenger Club film series.

In the latest film, Matatiele, a rural village, once plagued by contaminated water, now boasts a sustainable spring water system, funded and implemented by the Glenfiddich initiative.

This transformative project is a testament to the power of corporate social responsibility and human connection.

The series, which has spanned several continents and three films, began with Maponyane’s breathtaking expedition to Iceland, a land of untouched water and ice.

In the second installment, he travelled to Scotland to learn about the magic of water as it relates to the Glenfiddich whisky-making process.

The power of water

Now, in the third installment, the concept comes full circle, returning to South Africa to focus on the village of Matatiele in the Eastern Cape, which beautifully tells the story of a community that has been forever changed by Glenfiddich’s commitment.

“I have had the privilege of embarking on this incredible journey, from the untouched waters of Iceland and to see the impact that this campaign has had on the revitalised community of Matatiele,” said Maponyane.

“It is a testament to the power of water and the importance of having access to clean, drinkable water.

“I am proud to be a part of this initiative and to have witnessed the transformation first-hand.”

Maponyane added that finding water untouched by man meant literally going to the edge of the world, which is an incredibly difficult trek.

“The irony of it all is if we keep polluting our water, finding the best quality water will in time no longer be an adventure to write about as polluted water will become a way of life, something I truly believe no South African should have to experience.”

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