Top actor’s wife takes on hospital after surgery by ‘fake doctor’

The wife of top actor Thabo Malema is lucky to be alive after a “fake” doctor conducted a risky operation on her at a prominent hospital in Johannesburg a year ago.

Hlengiwe Mbambo still suffers severe pains in her back, front torso and left side of her stomach after the surgery which was done in December last year.

Her new marriage to the actor has also taken a toll because she is constantly sick. She is  frequently admitted for long periods due to her ailing health following the surgery.

The mother of two has opened a case of attempted murder and impersonating a medical practitioner. The case was opened at Douglasdale police station a week ago.

The doctor concerned works at a private hospital in Johannesburg.

According to Mbambo’s medical records, she was booked for a total abdominal hysterectomy (uterus removal) on December 22.

Mbambo was under the impression that her surgery went well until a few days later when she began experiencing abdominal pain.

She was rushed back to the hospital and a CT scan in February indicated that she sustained an injury during the operation.

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Mbambo realised her injury from negligence during her surgery.

Speaking to Sunday World briefly on Friday, Mbambo could not delve into details about the matter as it is under investigation at the hospital, which cannot be named for legal reasons.

Doctor’s details not on council’s records

She said she opened a case against the bogus doctor after his details could not be found or verified by the Health Professionals Council of South Africa (HPCSA).

An email sent to the council to enquire about the qualifications of the doctor, who is originally from Ghana, shows that the council has no records about him.

“I hereby confirm that the name of [the doctor] does not appear on the register of health practitioners kept by council,” the email read.

Mbambo said she was also conducting her own investigation after learning that the doctor who she remembers touching her during the operation, was listed as an assistant doctor on her records but did not appear on her medical aid bill as one of the doctors who operated her.

On Friday, police spokesperson captain Mavela Masondo said no arrest has yet been made on the matter.

“Police can confirm that a case of attempted murder and impersonating a medical practitioner has been opened at Douglasdale police station. No arrest has been made yet, investigation is underway,” he said.

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