Minister of Higher Education, Blade Nzimande, said his department had contingency plans for the disbursements of National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) student bursaries during the Covid-19 lockdown period.
Nzimande said according to the report he had received from NSFAS, the agency has processed almost all the applications received to date including the TVETs and University walk-ins received during the first quarter of 2020.
“Total upfront payments made to institutions to date is an amount of R4,2 billion. This amount includes the 2nd upfront payment of R677 million which was paid to assist with transport and accommodation during the registration period,” said Minister Nzimande.
“NSFAS has already made an upfront tuition to TVETs of R623 million which comprises 20% of the tuition allocation to Colleges. This money was meant to assist Colleges with cash flow and waive registration fees for students.”
The Minister added that institutions were advised to disburse the allowances to all NSFAS funded and registered students.