Perseverance pays off for top matriculant employed at Pedros

Siyabonga Magwaza, a 19-year-old matriculant who bagged seven distinctions while working as a waiter, has inspired his co-workers to further their studies.

The Pedros Verulam employee from Amaotana in KwaZulu-Natal was presented with a R10 000 gift for his efforts, both as an outstanding worker and an exceptional learner.

He worked at Pedros during weekends and over holidays to assist his family financially. In November 2022, he became a full-time employee.

Magwaza set the bar higher and has been admitted to study law at the University of KwaZulu-Natal in 2023.

A proud owner of the food franchise, Pedros Shikar Singh, said: “Siyabonga’s work ethic is outstanding, he is an all-rounder who wants to master every task and is always punctual. His moves have somehow encouraged other employees to pursue their tertiary education.

“I did not just give Siya the money just for recognition, but because all employees are like family. At Pedro’s, we have a fantastic recognition culture and his results were remarkable under his circumstances, we had to stay true to the culture and celebrate him.

“I will accommodate his studies and study schedule and provide assistance and guidance along his journey to obtaining his law degree.”

In an interview with Sunday World, Magwaza said growing up he faced many challenges with only one income to sustain the family. His 69-year-old grandmother was employed as a domestic work while his father struggled to get a job and his mother was sickly.

He said it was hard to focus on his school work, especially in a crime-infested community. Other social ills that ravage his community include substance abuse and teenage pregnancy, but he persevered.

“We were not motivated or exposed to role models in our community. I hope that my footprints have left inspiration and motivation for leaners who will come after me,” he said, adding that he used books and study material from a former learner who also helped him with stationery.

Magwaza also sang the praises of his teachers at Siphesihle Secondary School, saying they supported his journey by providing him with study material.

“The Class of 2022 gave me an ear when I taught them things that I knew. We also conducted extra classes without the supervision of our teachers, and made sure that we also attended extra lessons facilitated by the teachers.”

He said he is grateful for the support he received from his employer.

“I am so thankful for the support that Pedro’s gave me, they proved to be a very wonderful family which I didn’t have. The management of Pedro’s were very supportive and shared encouragement and advice throughout my matric journey.”

Magwaza plans to help other learners from his community by offering tutoring services. “I would also like to make information accessible to my community, as that was one of my biggest challenges,” he added.

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