‘Concerned’ ANC members to stage “#NotWithTheDA” protest

A group of “concerned” ANC members under the banner “#NotWithTheDA” say they will stage a protest outside the venue where the ANC will be hosting its special NEC meeting on Thursday to decide on a coalition partner.

In a media statement released this week, the group expressed concern. They said they will be protesting against any suggestion of an ANC-DA coalition to run national government. This follows the outcome of 2024 general national and provincial elections.

The ANC will have its special NEC meeting on Thursday from 10am to 6pm. The meeting will be held at the Birchwood Hotel and Conference Centre in Boksburg, Ekurhuleni. This to discuss a way forward on who to form a coalition with to form a national government.

Pressure on ruling party to reject a DA coalition agreement

“In recent days, there has been a surge of news articles and a paid social media campaign advocating for a coalition between the ANC and the DA at the national level. Concerned ANC members will meet outside the NEC meeting venue. The purpose will be to urge ANC NEC members to ignore, reject, and resist attempts to influence them towards a DA coalition agreement.

“The DA was rejected by 80% of voters in May 2024. This was due to their regressive stance on progressive policies aimed at advancing the rights of the majority. Also  addressing past imbalances caused by colonialism and apartheid. We invite all media representatives to cover this significant protest and witness the solidarity of ANC members standing up for justice and transformation,” read the media statement.

“Join us as we say: “Not in our name!” and demand that the ANC NEC uphold the principles of transformation and equality for all South Africans.”

Meanwhile, ANC national spokesperson Mahlengi Bhengu-Motsiri said the party’s National Working Committee (NWC) met on Tuesday. This was two days after the announcements of the results by the IEC. The meeting was to receive a report from the National Officials on the meetings held thus far with various political parties.

MK ignored ANC request for a meeting

Bhengu-Motsiri said the report includes meetings with delegations from the IFP, the EFF, the DA, the NFP and the PA.

She said the ANC has also had engagements with its Alliance partners, SACP, Cosatu and Sanco. This as part of the consultation process.

“The National Officials reported to the NWC that the ANC has repeatedly reached out to the MKP for an engagement meeting, with no positive response. Our door remains open. We continue to reach out to every party that is keen to contribute positively to moving our country forward. The ANC NWC discussed the three options as set out by the Secretary General on 2 June 2024. These have been further elaborated, including the inherent risks of each option. The NWC held a robust and constructive discussion on the perspective and report from National Officials.

Discussions enriched the ANC’s perspective

“These discussions enriched the ANC perspective. They further probed the implications of each option for South Africa and the ANC’s historic mission. Which is to build a united, non-racial, non-sexist, democratic, and prosperous South Africa for all. Based on the consensus reached, the NWC will take its detailed perspectives on forming government in South Africa to the National Executive Committee (NEC) meeting. The meeting is scheduled to take place on 6 June 2024,” she said.

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