Early results show ANC gunning for landslide victory in Limpopo

As the 2024 general election results continue to trickle in at the results operating centre, the ANC in Limpopo is leader of the pack with a wide margin.

The Economic Freedom Fighters and Democratic Alliance are trailing behind neck-and-neck.

The ANC reckons it will amass more votes than the 75.49% the party received in the 2019 general elections after getting a landslide total of 1,096 300 votes, which secured 49 seats in the provincial legislature.

Secured 69% of the votes

By 2pm on Thursday, the ANC had secured 69%, DA 10.42% and the EFF 12.67% of the provincial votes.

The party’s provincial spokesperson, Jimmy Machaka, said the governing party’s success is largely because of its commanding presence in all corners of South Africa.

“Our presence all over the country is indicative that the majority of the people of this country align with our policies. First and foremost, they will never turn their backs on the oldest liberation movement that freed them from the shackles of apartheid. Whenever they go to the polling stations, they vote with conscience and loyalty to a party that delivers on its mandate.

“The people of Limpopo will never make that mistake of electing a party that is not tried and tested. They are fully aware that it is only the ANC that boasts that track record of governing this country for three decades.

“We are going to retain our power and deliver services to the people of Limpopo after the official announcement of the election results and inaugurations,” said a confident Machaka. 

DA, EFF remain optimistic 

The DA’s Desiree van der Walt said they are hoping to improve on their previous results. This in most areas where they were least expected to make significant inroads.

During the previous elections, the third-largest party in the province managed to secure a meagre three seats in the provincial legislature.

The EFF said since its inception in 2013, its provincial structures in Limpopo have been on an upward trajectory.

Provincial elections manager, Lawrence Mapoulo, said every election season, their numbers are increasing. And they are hoping to increase their previous tally.

“We will emerge triumphantly when the final results are announced. The EFF’ success is purely because the manifesto is not complicated and echo well with the masses. Our constituencies comprise mainly of the youth, the future leaders. Throughout these elections, this generation came in large numbers. [They came] to participate in a campaign that will shape their future.

“Furthermore, people want to associate with the EFF leader, Julius Malema. He delivers his message in a less complex manner. [Malema] speaks with sincerity, and that is why the destitute masses love him. He has the kind of charisma that will surely amass massive votes. We may not win this election outright. However, the impact we made during this elections will be reflected on the final day of the results announcement” said Mapoulo.    

Van der Walt said: “We have been on our campaign trail in a calculated bid to grow our party in the province. In recent months, we have infiltrated areas where the DA was not popular. To achieve this, we had come up with an election manifesto that resonates with everyone in the country.

DA insist Limpopo citizens do not favour ANC

“Our message in the run-up to the elections was clear. We want good governance and want to eliminate corruption by the roots. People are fed up with corruption and nepotism fashioned by the ANC-led government. They want fresh ideas that will take the country forward.

There are a lot of people who are not happy with the ANC’s cadre deployment. Because it does not work for everyone but only for the connected few.

“We have a formidable track record that speaks volumes about the DA’s government style of efficiency. The municipalities we are governing all over the country are under good administration that is efficient. That is why we are positive that we will emerge with better results.”

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