Former judge John Hlophe slams ‘Cyril’s ANC’ after being sworn in

Official opposition UMkhonto weSizwe (MK) Party caucus leader John Hlophe wasted no time after being sworn, lashing out at “Ramaphosa’s ANC”.

Hlophe said this after being sworn in as member of parliament for the former president Jacob Zuma-led party on Tuesday.

He said they will continue to work around the clock to ensure that the country is a haven for all who live in it. And to secure a corruption-free political space.

Hlophe said this aligned with their need to stand by the original ANC policies, which he said the ANC has since abandoned.

“The ANC, in our shared views, the views we share as the MK Party, has completely gone astray. This is not the ANC that we used to know. Particularly over the last five years under the leadership of Cyril Ramaphosa.

Lashed out at the new ANC led by Ramaphosa

“This is no longer the ANC that fights for poor people, [that] fights for landless people. This is a different ANC altogether,” said Hlophe.

Hlophe said being new in parliament did not demotivate him. It did not make him vulnerable to parties that would want to hijack the MK Party. He was surrounded by former ministers and people who have been in politics for a while, he said.

“It is my hope that they will continue to be a source of inspiration. I hope that they will assist me,” said Hlophe.

He has confirmed that the party will work hand-in-hand with fellow parties that are the official opposition. These parties are the opposition to the new Government of National Unity (GNU).

EFF, ATM to join MK on opposition benches

Some of the parties already in talks with the MK Party include the EFF and the ATM. Both belong to the Progressive Caucus.

The former judge president of the Western Cape High Court explained the main focus of the party. He said it was to bring back the laws that used to govern African people.

Hlophe said one of these laws stated that African land could not form part of private ownership. Therefore, according to him, all South Africans, regardless of their race, deserved access to land.

“[Julius] Malema has already offered to help us in parliament because we are new. We consider ourselves, the MK Party, as the official opposition of the country. This is because the opposition party, the Democratic Alliance, is now part of the GNU,” said Hlophe.

Still pursuing the IEC court case

Hlophe was impeached following a vote by parliament after he was found guilty of gross misconduct as a judge. He said the swearing-in ceremony did not mean that they had dumped the court matter against the Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC).

The MK Party dragged the IEC to court over allegations of rigging the votes in the national and provincial elections in May.

Newly sworn-in MK members include EFF MP Busisiwe Mkhwebane’s husband, David Skosana. Also Duduzile Zuma-Sambudla, and Andile Mgxitama, the former BLF leader.

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