Jail DA top brass for burning the flag – ANCYL president Malatji

Controversial ANCYL president Collen Malatji says the DA top brass must thank their gods that he’s not president because they’d watch the next Wednesday national and provincial elections from jail.

According to Malatji, the DA election advertisement with a graphic of the South African flag burning was enough grounds to charge the whole leadership of the party.

However, he added, the DA was lucky to have a nice guy who believes in dialogue.  President Cyril Ramaphosa was the one at the helm of the national executive.

ANC 30 Years of Democracy Big Walk

Malatji made the remarks at the ANC 30 Years of Democracy Big Walk at the famous Vilakazi Street in Orlando West, Soweto on Friday.

The event was organised by the ANCYL ahead of the ANC last push Siyanqoba rally at FNB Stadium tomorrow.

In his bashing of opposition parties, he went deep on the DA: “We saw the National Party that calls itself the DA, burning the South African flag. [The flag] that the people of South Africa worked and died for.

“Now, when you vote for the DA, you must know that you are voting for apartheid. You are voting for a political party that does not respect the flag and the constitution of this country,” he continued.

“We know that our president (Ramaphosa) is a negotiator. If I was the president of this country I would have long arrested the whole DA top leadership. They would now be in prison. I don’t know why the president is still negotiating with people who are burning the most important thing in this country being the flag.”

Charge the DA after the elections

Malatji, in Ramaphosa’s absence, said the ANCYL would insist that he makes a move on the DA leadership post the elections.

“We believe that on June 1 the president will arrest (John) Steenhuisen and they must all be in prison.”
Malatji also took cheap shots at the Umkhonto Wesizwe Party. He suggested that the party was a tribal organisation.
As usual, he also attacked MK Party leader and former ANC president Jacob Zuma.

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