Unsung Heroes 2022 | Youth in Uniform | John Moloko Radingoana

John Moloko Radingoana

Youth in Uniform

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Project Name/Description:
Dedicated public servant in the police force

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A passion for making a difference in his community motivates John Moloko Radingoana, 28, to be always there for the community he serves as a policeman. He is stationed at SAPS Silverton, east of Tshwane. Radingoana has been in the police service for seven years, a profession he chose to fulfill his father’s dream of his son becoming a policeman. His daily routine includes patrols, attending to community complaints, conducting stop and search to prevent crime as well as giving advice to youth on how to stay on the right side of the law. “For me being a policeman is a calling, which makes it easy for me to always want to make a difference in my community,” says Radingoana. Some of the challenges Radingoana constantly face in the line of duty involves, for instance, restraining suspects who resist arrest. “I always use minimum force to overcome the resistance,” he says. He is grateful for the knowledge he has gained from his more experienced senior colleague, for instance, learning to remain calm when provoked by community members he serves. Radingoana grew up in a rural community of Ga-Matlala Ramosehebo, Limpopo, and later relocated to Mamelodi in Tshwane, where his father-in-law, who is also a policeman, inspired him to join the police service.


Youth in Uniform

Unsung Heroes Categories 2022
