Unsung Heroes 2022 | Youth in Uniform | Ntando Briton Nene

Ntando Briton Nene

Youth in Uniform

Nominee's Province:


Project Name/Description:
Male Nurse

More info:

Ntando Briton Nene, 29, from Osizweni, Newcastle, is a qualified young male nurse who works tirelessly to bring healthcare to communities in rural KwaZulu-Natal. Nene was studying towards a Bachelor of Administration when his mother was diagnosed with cancer and later succumbed to the dreaded disease in 2013. That was a turning point for Nene who strongly felt rural areas struggled to access proper healthcare. In 2016, he enrolled at the KwaZulu-Natal College of Nursing, in Pietermaritzburg. After qualifying as a nurse in 2020, practised in the rural areas so he could best apply his expertise. It’s a job he does with great dedication. The highlight of his career came last year when he took up a challenging post in Pomeroy Community Health Centre in Msinga uMzinyathi District, KwaZulu-Natal, a deeply rural part of the province. He works as a male midwife. Initially, he worked as a bedside nurse to tend Covid-19 positive patients. The harsh reality of working in a rural area soon hit him. “There were many challenges in the area I worked in, especially myths associated with Covid vaccines. Part of my role as a professional nurse is to be an educator,” says Nene. Other challenges included the inaccessibility of some communities due to a lack of proper roads as well as a lack of sanitation and water. But Nene endured, proving that young heroes can make an impact anywhere in the country, not just in the cities.


Youth in Uniform

Unsung Heroes Categories 2022
