Pastor Buyi Daweti

Women Nurturing in the Community

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Buyi Daweti is a pastor, motivational speaker, caregiver and community minder, an entrepreneur and author. Daweti, a vocal voice against genderbased violence (GBV), argues that although society has made strides in recognising women in various fields, the battle against GBV is far from being won. As a result, the victims either end up losing confidence or their lives – leaving their children to fend for themselves without providing support and care. That is why Daweti, who lives in Midrand, Gauteng, has identified the need to guide, protect and provide for child-headed families, often subjected to poor adult supervision. She runs a soup kitchen and provides clothes for those in need. In addition, she has initiated a programme that encourages and teaches residents in outlying areas to start their own gardens, an effort she believes will go a long way towards reducing hunger and human suffering. Her intention is to increase her motivational drive, and to have as many people as possible producing their own food. She aims to encourage “women not to give up the good fight to empower themselves”. Her book, Step in Faith, is meant to inspire others, especially women. Another of her books, Victory and Justice at Last, was triggered by her 12-year journey to seek justice for the loss of her child who was aborted without her consent by her doctor, as well as the death of her daughter, which was caused by the same doctor.

Community Service

Heroic Women 2022 Categories
