Dr Nandipha Toyota Ndudane

Environment, Agriculture and Sustainability

Nominee's Province:
Eastern Cape

Project Name/Description:
Principal and Veterinarian, Tsolo Agriculture and Rural Development Institute

More info:

Dr. Nandipha Toyota Ndudane, inspired by her father, an agricultural technician, has risen to become one of South Africa’s leading veterinarians and the principal of the Tsolo Agriculture and Rural Development Institute. She has made significant contributions to advancing veterinary education and upholding high standards of veterinary training both in South Africa and internationally.

Throughout her career, Dr Ndudane has passionately advocated for improving access to veterinary and para-veterinary education, focusing on breaking down barriers such as financial constraints, admission challenges and lack of exposure, especially for African students from previously disadvantaged backgrounds.

Her service on the committee within the Eastern Cape’s Department of Agriculture, which allocated funding for veterinarians, was instrumental in supporting students pursuing qualifications in Biological Sciences at the University of Pretoria. Dr Ndudane continues to influence key stakeholders, including the Health and Welfare Sector Education and Training Authority, to secure funding for students in veterinary science and veterinary nursing.

She has also worked to bring quality education to rural areas and students through collaborations with industry, participation in veterinary congresses, involvement in agricultural shows, and efforts in disease control during outbreaks.

Environment, Agriculture and Sustainability

Heroic Women 2024 Categories