Heroic Women 2024 | | Eunice Moshwang

Eunice Moshwang

Nominee's Province:
Eastern Cape

Project Name/Description:
Social Justice Activist – Spoken and Unspoken Word Pty Ltd

More info:

Eunice Moshwang is a dedicated social justice activist who channels positive energy to steer youth away from drug and alcohol abuse, teenage pregnancy, HIV/AIDS, and related challenges by enhancing their skills, knowledge and experience.

Moshwang, author of Breaking Out of the Cycle, was one of the leading pioneers of the #FeesMustFall movement, which advocated for fee-free education and transformation of the education curriculum. Her passion for working with children led her to pursue a qualification in teaching Grade R at the foundation level.

“I love working with children and teaching them to excel in all aspects of their lives, helping them become the best they can be despite their challenges,” Moshwang said.

She works closely with public schools to empower students in public speaking, debate, and poetry through her project, Spoken and Unspoken Words. Additionally, through her involvement with Educo Educare Centre, El-Man Corporate Legacy, and the Black Management Forum, she promotes good sexual health and actively fights against gender-based violence.

Moshwang’s Spoken and Unspoken Word project has more than 100 active members within the art industry and practice. Although Moshwang has a full-time job, she is still able to find time to devote to her community after work and during holidays to target learners and students to run training workshops.

Heroic Woman 2024

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