Kgaugelo Mkumbeni

Environment, Agriculture and Sustainability

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Project Name/Description:
Institute for Security Studies, Research Officer

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Kgaugelo Mkumbeni is a committed environmentalist currently serving as a research officer at the Institute for Security Studies, where she contributes to the Climate Risk and Human Security Project. She has been deeply involved in climate action and sustainable development throughout her career, focusing on policy processes, research, and advisory roles.

Mkumbeni earned a Bachelor of Social Sciences with Honours in Political and International Studies from the esteemed Rhodes University. Before her current role, she contributed to youth programmes at the South African Institute of International Affairs within its policy committee and has also been a member of the SADC Youth Parliament.

As a youth representative for South Africa at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, she collaborated with the Department of Forestry, Fisheries, and Environment. On the global stage, Mkumbeni led the G20 Youth South African delegation, where she crafted policy proposals for G20 member states, advocating for an equitable and inclusive transition that prioritises the most affected regions and populations.

Environment, Agriculture and Sustainability

Heroic Women 2024 Categories