Malebo Mukhari

Health and Safety/Women in Uniform

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Project Name/Description:
Endometriosis & Menstrual Health Advocate

More info:

Mukhari is a passionate advocate for endometriosis and menstrual health, with her journey into this advocacy starting in 2020, after she was diagnosed with severe endometriosis, “an often-painful condition in which tissue that is similar to the inner lining of the uterus grows outside the uterus.”.

This life-altering diagnosis fuelled her determination to raise awareness and support other women facing similar challenges.

With a qualification and background in politics and project management, Mukhari brings a unique blend of expertise and dedication to her advocacy work. She is currently working on opening a non-profit organisation, raising awareness about endometriosis and the importance of menstrual health education. Her work emphasises breaking the stigma surrounding menstruation and advocating for better healthcare for women suffering from endometriosis.

Mukhari’s efforts extend beyond advocacy – she is also deeply committed to educating young women about menstrual health and ending period poverty.

Her vision is to create a world where no woman suffers in silence and where menstrual health is prioritised as a fundamental aspect of women’s overall well-being. Through her work, Mukhari continues to inspire and empower women to take control of their health and advocate for their rights.

Mukhari says: “Living with endometriosis is challenging. I must constantly remind myself that I am not defined by this disease. I share my journey with endometriosis not for sympathy, but to let others know they are not alone. Your voice matters and your health is worth the fight.”

Health and Safety/Women in Uniform

Heroic Women 2024 Categories