Heroic Women 2024 | | Phoshollo Phasha

Phoshollo Phasha

Nominee's Province:

Project Name/Description:
Founder, Youth Hub

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Her love for community development is unparalleled, hence she is always eager to fly the South African flag beyond our borders.

Phasha was South Africa’s representative at the Youth Governance Forum in Egypt in 2017. There, she shared her story of the difficulties of being young and living in a rural area where there are scarce opportunities.

“The story had to be heard, and further, how our people in these areas live without the internet, and in the hopelessness of no or poor signal,” says Phasha.

She says the result of this is people are less informed, and that further exacerbates the problem.

She then resolved to start her youth hub, assisting young people with opportunities by using her data to help them do online causes and get certificates for free, concurrently providing small basic training on how to use the internet safely to avoid human trafficking and bullying.

She is a trained smartphone repairer, and is always willing to train others, enabling them to see whatever small business opportunity may be there.

She says: “We need to fight for the elimination of poverty. I am also keen to train young women in cybersecurity courses so that we can help them start tech companies. They need to be encouraged and take up the spaces in the tech space.

Heroic Woman 2024

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