Vuyolwethu Ngalonkulu

Business and Entrepreneurship

Nominee's Province:
Eastern Cape

Project Name/Description:
Anqobile Development Foundation, founder and chairperson

More info:

Vuyolwethu Ngalonkulu is a social impact entrepreneur from the small town of Ngqushwa in the Eastern Cape, who is deeply passionate about rural development with a particular focus on empowering young women. She is the founder of the Anqobile Development Foundation, an organisation dedicated to teaching modelling skills to children in Ngqushwa. The foundation also offers life skills training, public speaking opportunities, and initiatives aimed at boosting self-confidence while promoting charity work.

Ngalonkulu’s talent for working with youth has been evident over the past decade. She established a childcare business to support working parents, despite facing significant financial challenges. During this time, she also honed her skills in community radio, where she spent ten years making a notable impact through her unwavering dedication to community development.

Driven by a profound love for youth development, Ngalonkulu has always been committed to making a difference. Her heart is set on transforming the lives of young people, providing them with love, hope, and guidance to overcome challenges, and building a brighter future for the children of Ngqushwa.

Business and Entrepreneurship

Heroic Women 2024 Categories