Xolisile Madlala

Health and Safety/Women in Uniform

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Menopause Advocate, Public Speaker and Author

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“Understanding yourself is power. Loving yourself is freedom. Forgiving yourself is peace. Being yourself is bliss.”

These are the words of Madlala – a woman fast cementing her place as an authoritative voice when it comes to menopause, an area she regards as an everyday topic.

Madlala, an author of The Perimenopausal Globetrotter, has been working with several key stakeholders to unpack and de-myth the stigma of menopause. As a result, Madlala has been changing perspectives on menopause narratives and calling for more spaces to be menopause-inclusive.

She says everyone, not only women, must “zazi, zithande, zithembe”, as they embrace the importance of lifestyle changes during the menopause stages. Madlala calls on women to use their voices as a powerful tool and seek to impact positive change.

Madlala is a Daliah partner and ambassador, she is also an Optimum Living consultant. Madlala says her work will continue, as she works closely with corporates, groups, churches, individuals, and couples. “My goal is to change the menopause narrative in South Africa and the rest of the continent and transform spaces to be menopause-inclusive,” says Madlala.

Health and Safety/Women in Uniform

Heroic Women 2024 Categories