Big Brother contestants mostly lonely and thirsty 

What a way to start the month of April as Shwa headed out to the Big Brother Titans finale party in Kramerville. 

This season was a fusion of Big Brother Mzansi and Big Brother Naija, featuring 20 housemates from both countries. 

Moi really thought the season was going to blow up but clearly the girls’ expectations were very high.  

Just a quick one, when will the reality show offer more than just contestants who come here hoping to find love and fooling around on national television?  

Shwa believes many of the contestants who enter the show are just thirsty and lonely. 

One would have expected to see most of the evicted housemates on the blue carpet, but it was just a few of them as some attended the other watch party in Nigeria. 

Lovebirds Marvin Achi and Yaya Mwanda are head over heels in love, going back and forth to each other’s countries. 

Smash Afrika – Shwa is curious why you smashed your marriage like that for the entire world to see. Hope you’re picking up the pieces. 

Shwa is not quite sure why people feel the need to change their accents when they get on television. Pamela Mtanga, there is absolutely no reason for you to keep twanging your name and surname like that. Whoever told you about being the next Bonang Matheba really messed up. 

Moi is crossing fingers that the winner, Khosi Twala, does not blow up her money like that other girl who blew it with that man of hers.  

Baby girl is going through it all, and it’s only just been a year and already the money is gone. 

Londie London looked ravishing in a dress and a doek with her long and heavy-looking braids. Good to see you picking yourself up. 

Also spotted at the event were Thabang Mazibuko, Nelisa, Juicy Jay, Ntombee Ngcobo-Mzolo, Moghelingz, Kuhle Adams, Thato President, Lukay, Theo Traw and Mmeli. 

Or read the latest from Shwashwi here. 

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