Bonang Matheba takes Mzansi for fools – but joke is on her

Any fool knows that a basic skincare routine includes removing makeup, cleansing your face, applying a spot treatment for any blemishes, using sunblock during the day, and putting on moisturizer.

So just what was Bonang and liars Nivea doing with that fake ad. On Wednesday news of media personality Bonang Matheba partnering up with the popular brandsurfaced. However, Shwa and the rest of the nation noticed that they were being taken for a ride. Bonang, with a fully beat face, is seen applying the product to her face. What!

Queen B please baby girl respect us as people.

Nivea should also respect us as customers. How are we supposed to buy your products or trust you now?

Next time ask peeps like Natasha Thahane and Gail Mabelane for advice on how to pose right.


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