Hairman, dump polotiki, return to Black Like Me

Abuti Hairman of Black Like Me S-curl and perm fame (Ma2K won’t know this, lol), thinks he is important. He might have been the guy during his Black Like Me fame, but things have changed, madala, worse since you dumped business for politics in a country where every clown fancy themselves as politicians. This jokester of a stuttering politician left the Twitter streets, oops, it’s X these days, for a little to wherever. Nobody really cares. Upon his return, he announced that he was back and Shwa’s groupies in the social media space did not waste time to tell him that “nobody even noticed you were gone, sit down bro”. Shwa is always pleased when politicians are put in their place, where they belong. They have a thing about them thinking of themselves as celebrities. No, comrades, you are public servants, and some humility would do. Mr Hairman, maybe you should focus on bringing back Black Like Me products. Robert Marawa needs to go back to his signature S-curly hairstyle.

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