Hot mgosi and celebs: Celebrity status not to be abused

Johannesburg – Can people stop seeking fame then insult fans once they get it.

Really, be calm as your fans get you paid and journalists give you exposure.

Learn the art of being a celebrity if you are going to insist on being recognised by street walkers.

This got us wondering if Bonang Matheba ever received her apology from Itumeleng Khune after she accused him of sexually inappropriate behaviour while he was dating Minnie Jones, who is known to loathe Matheba.

Also read: Shwashwi: New year but it’s already a mad celeb world

Bonang Matheba.

Why is this sounding like a scene from Sodom and Gomorrah?

Itumeleng Khune.

Great that Phumeza Mdabe has a new show on Mzansi Magic, but I hope she realises that the trouble will begin once the cameras leave. Are you ready, sisi? Oh ja, she won’t be there.

Phumeza Mdabe

Can celebrities please stop renting property so they can have something to sell when times are tough? No, you don’t have to live in an expensive area, just empower yourself because we look up to you and want to be you.

So, if it were Ntando Duma on the sex tape, would she admit it? Sisi, no one cares and everybody has sex, except Shwashwi.

Ntando Duma.

So, are people still paying their TV licences? Can Savita Mbuli tell us how she maintains her good looks, damn Shwashwi thinks you are the hottest woman in her 40s in the entertainment circle.


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 Is Lasizwe still throwing himself at Cedric Fourie as it would be amusing if it did not feel uncomfortable to watch?


MaMkhize, what’s next on the cards for you as you are so amusing? A make-up range, because Shwashwi wants to look like you or Somizi.

Shauwn ‘MaMkhize’ Mkhize. PICTURE: INSTAGRAM

Oskido, where is Tina Mkwaiwa and did you ever resolve her issue?


Nomzamo Mbatha, we miss you in SA, please come back … we will even find you a man.

Nomzamo Mbatha.

We heard some aunty-looking malume was after you, forgetting his yellow-boned wife, as usual. Will the folk who won’t pay rent blaming Covid-19 please stop posting their expensive purchases on social media as the owners are infuriated … names will be released next week.

So, Metro FM is allowing its presenter to call journalists “abortion survivors”.

Wow Metro, what happened to peace, and yes, we know your “Real MEN” campaign is targeted at specific individuals.

Also read: Somizi in hot water after Sanef demands an apology for targeting journalists

How hot is Pearl Modiadie? After giving birth a few months ago and ridding herself of the Frenchman, the beauty is sizzling. Please teach Shwashwi how to flatten the tummy, I’ve not even been pregnant.

Pearl Modiadie

Was that Yvonne Chaka Chaka performing in Uganda during the elections?

How is Masechaba Ndlovu’s job description turning out?

They figured it out yet or should we wait till she gets facts right?

Phelo and Moshe, are we to expect any candlestick drama or music from either of you this year as we want to prepare our “shocked” expressions.?

Phelo and Moshe

Also read: Shwashwi: Hot mgosi and celebs – Many questions beg for answers

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