No banana republic yet but Dr Phophi’s shoes raise a key point 

No banana republic yet but Dr Phophi’s shoes raise a key point 

We aren’t in banana republic yet but Limpopo MEC for health Dr Phophi Ramathuba appears to be a step or two forward, as per how she wore her shoes on February 27.  

She was out and about, touring Phiphidi Clinic in Venda to activate a 24-hour health services. 

Someone, in Ramathuba’s office is sleeping on their job. How come they didn’t notice that the honourable MEC had her designer shoes on the wrong way around (o apere banana) or perhaps this is a new fashion trend? Shwa suspects sabotage, because Dr Phophi is one comrade who will never, ever lead the Rainbow Nation to a banana republic. Besides, those shoes are so top bananas! 

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