No way to chain and lock down political dreams

No way to chain and lock down political dreamsĀ 

The secretary general of GOOD, Patricia de Lilleā€™s party, Brett Herron, seems to be talking too much about attacking DA on how it fails in governance.Ā Ā 

But the dude forgets to invest in hi-tech locking system for his constituency office in George.Ā Ā 

Moi passed by his office in the area and found it locked with a rusty chain and a padlock. For such a high-profile politician in Western Cape, what nonsense is this, bro?Ā Ā 

Kanti, what do you do with the constituency money you get from parliament to look after your own party?Ā Ā 

The way you locked your office shows that you are not sure why you and Auntie Pat are still hellbent on winning seats in parliament and the province.Ā Ā 

That chain and the rusty padlock are nothing but an embarrassment to the people you claim to represent.Ā Ā 

Invest in hi-tech models of locking systems, mfowethu, instead of those chains. Jerrrā€¦Ā 

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