Political silly season is upon us

Political silly season is upon us

It’s that time of political season where our politicians will do and say all sorts of things to charm voters and their funders.

Shwa is not surprised by events unfolding within the ranks of the Patriotic Alliance whose ex-con president is one dizzy character known as Gayton McKenzie.

This ex-convict was at it last weekend on many fronts, fermenting divisive politics between Africans and coloured voters which, if you ask me, all ought to be classified as black people. But the new SA just love some of the mess from the past.

But asikho lapho. Shwa knows McKenzie is desperate to wrestle the coloured vote from the DA, and will do anything, and everything, to use ethnicity card to project himself as their true representative.

But revising history is to stoop too low. Sies!


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