Shwa just loves how you’re lording it over amasela, Mr Minister 

Shwa just loves how you’re lording it over amasela, Mr Minister 

Mckenzie has arrived in full force, and he is about to unleash furry on those artists who have the tendency of getting funds under the guise of doing community upliftment projects. Lord Gayton, as he was baptised by social media, is cracking the whip and Moi agrees that the names of those artists and conmen should be published.  

Kuzo vela amasela struuu. Shwa heard that some of the artists who milked the coffers of the department are trying to beg G not to reveal their names as that would open them up for investigations by the SIU.  

Phez’kwabo, my ma se kind. Deal with them and mop the floor with their scruffy hair, Shwa supports you on this one. 

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