Shwashwi: Eintlik wat is dit met drama, Leon Schreiber and Vincent Magwenya? 

Eintlik wat is dit met drama, Leon Schreiber and Vincent Magwenya? 

Moi fell off her chair when Minister of Home Affairs Leon Schreiber and presidential spokesperson Vincent Magwenya got into some mudslinging and wrestling each other in the mud like pigs.  

Kanti wena Schreiber, who died and made you God to take decisions on behalf of the country while we have Cup Cake as president to put the stamp on everything that involves government?  

You’re tjatjarag. So this GNU thing has gotten to your head so much as to jump the gun and announce the decision on the imminent Ukraine-SA visa regime.  

Umsangano bani that one you are pulling. Vincent as the spokesperson of No: 1 is right, you can’t just be law unto yourself because you are DA and Helen Zille’s lapdog.  

When was Ukraine involved in fighting apartheid cabal vele? Please give us a break, we know Russia as the country that helped us, not Ukraine, jeeer. 

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