The joyride is over, mama 

New sports, arts and culture minister Gayton McKenzie hit the ground running in his new position.  

First, the ex-convict who used to rob banks, has pledged to donate his first salary as a minister to an art gallery he recently visited in Kagiso, Gauteng. Secondly, McKenzie said he has instructed the Department of Sports, Arts and Culture to publish a list of all artists, creatives and sports people who have been receiving money from the department.  

He said the published list should be inclusive of amounts and reasons. McKenzie said the time when only a select connected few benefited is over. Ayeye Mama Joy and super fan Botha Msila, ayeye.  

Your days of traveling overseas purportedly to support our national teams at the taxpayer’s expense are numbered. McKenzie, who used to be a member of the 26s gang in jail, has your number. Ons baiza nie. As McKenzie would say. 

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  1. What stupid nonsense is this? What foolish news did I just waste my 2 minutes on?

    Exactly what does previously robbing banks have to do with anything here?

  2. Is it necessary for you to refer to our new minister as an ex convict who used to Rob Banks? Show some respect man. He is a Minister now.

  3. If you have nothing to say shutup,, than trying to paint our minister in black because of fighting corruption and favoritism in our government,, shame on you….

  4. I agree too, this is in fact character assassination. Don’t play the man but the ball. Fortunately his passion for sports matches with us and we wish him well in eradicating one pocket of corruption and we hope this is the tip of an iceberg. He has a lot to do in this newly acquired portfolio.

  5. So what if he robbed banks and being a convicted criminal of the past!??? He paid his dues. Lessons learn!! He’s a great example to a lot of people. He is right! Those so called superfans gravy train ride has come to an end. Our Minister will clear that deep rooted corruption in that dept. out.

  6. Is every article regarding our Sports and Culture Minister going to start off with “the ex convict”? It is utterly petty and disrespectful. Show some class man!!!

  7. Ek is mal oor hom. Hoop die ander ministers volg sy voorbeeld en raak ontslae van korruptes en korrupsie. Dae van soustrein ry is verby. Ons staan agter jou minister Mc Kenzie!

  8. Please do me favour minister just before your term come to an end and get rid of Jordan and his chomies at safa, put people who are sport minded

  9. Gayton is the best, this thing of saying ex convict is rubbish, he’d paid for his previous and let by gones be bygones. One more thing when is Khoza and Jordan going to be replaced. There are some elections every 5 years in a democratic country and the same should happen to SAFA, those guys are old we need new fresh minds and ideas asseblief McKenzie

  10. Bad amateurish journalism, part of the 30 % class. Go ask for your schooling fees to be refunded. Or maybe you’re playing politics, who knows? Leave an hourable man who fights corruption alone.

  11. Leave our Sports Minister to do what is right, and that is to stop the gravy train and corruption in it’s tracks. We are proud of Gayton who has paid his dues, and who is not shy to admit to his past wrongdoings, but has learnt from those lessons. May God protect him and grant him the wisdom needed to do a sterling job in our government and I wish other ministers can follow in his footsteps. Gayton for President Amandla!

  12. ”Hot Mgozi” could not hide his inherent racist DNA and his hatred for “Coloureds”, while he could not, otherwise, but acknowledge the effort to clean up the corruption mess he inherited and the good work done by the Minister, at entry level, by the way, Hotnot Mgosi opts to character assassinate Gayton.

    “Blacks” will never learn how to be free

  13. You might not be a bank robber however if you are so righteous cast the first stone. Ño one is perfect but he redeemed himself. Stop judging other people and look for the good in them. Your initial comments are so pretty.

  14. Our Minister of SA&C will one day be able to say:” I came I saw and I cleaned up”. He is a man of his word. As mayor of Beaufort West, he promised, and fulfilled. What more do we need. Definitely not poor journalism like this. Don’t look back drive through your windscreen and not through your rear view mirror

  15. Who is the idiot that is writing about historical b.s..Gayton served his time, turned into an achiever of note. Why not write about the current criminals who are filling the seats in parliament? Etc. State capturers, Marikana, VBS, Judiciary recycled, Kodwa, Etc..Etc. You go , are doinf doing what should have started in the time of Mandelas term then there would be no corruption or state capture and we would have had men of honour as leaders.


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