It is not too late to work on your summer body

There is a saying that goes “summer bodies are made in winter”,  and wellness expert Juanita Khumalo goes along with that.

And the health and wellness coach as well as Brand South Africa ambassador says there is still hope for those who wish to start now.

Khumalo, who is in a process of acquiring her life coach and nutritionist qualification, advocates for holistic health and wellness for women through her fitness company, TROVE wellness.

She said her passion for fitness and wellness coupled with her love for branding inspired her to embark on her wellness entrepreneurial journey.

With the support of the Department of Sport, Arts & Culture, Khumalo will host a TROVE Fitness bootcamp in September ushering fitness enthusiasts into Spring at The Old Station, Newton, Johannesburg.

“We are beyond delighted to bring you the final instalment of the TROVE Fitness Bootcamp event for 2022. So, if you needed the extra motivation to start working out in time for summer, the upcoming bootcamp is here to give you that extra nudge to get you moving again,” said Khumalo.

She further stated that people should avoid quick fixes, not feel under pressure to over-train and under-eat to achieve their summer body but rather exercise as a lifestyle to maintain good overall health.

Below are a few points on how you can get moving in Spring and shed some unwanted winter weight through exercise and diet as well as make new friends while having fun!


  1. Get an accountability partner – Having an accountability buddy goes a long way when you want to start moving again. An accountability partner is different to a coach. It is someone that will help hold you accountable to your fitness goals and help you stay committed for success.

2. Workout Outdoors – The warmer weather means you can workout outdoors! Staying active outside can be a lot of fun and add more variety to your workout routine.


3. Don’t starve yourself or drastically change your diet. When you deprive your body of food you are setting yourself up to fall into a unhealthy relationship with food. It is unsustainable and usually results in binge-eating which could result in developing unhealthy eating habits and disorders. Make sure your diet comprises all 3 essentials components of any meal – healthy protein, carbohydrates and fats.

4. Hydrate – Drink enough water – when exercising, one loses water through sweating even in cold weather. One tends to lose much more water when exercising during summer, more especially outdoor. You need to drink enough liquids before, during and after exercise. Drinking enough fluids will help to maintain your concentration and performance, increase your endurance, and prevent excessive elevations in heart rate and body temperature.


5. Find Your Perfect Match! Exercise is meant to be fun, challenging but enjoyable! One has a greater chance of being consistent with exercising when they enjoy what they do, and outdoor workouts come in handy with figuring out what you love because of their great variety.



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A post shared by Juanita K. Khumalo (@juakhumalo)


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A post shared by Juanita K. Khumalo (@juakhumalo)

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