Actor nurses big bond headache

Ayanda Sithebe: Photo: Instagram

Award-winning actor and comedian Ayanda Sithebe and his wife are on the brink of losing their home after allegedly failing to keep up with the monthly installments on their bond.  The couple has been taken to court by Sawindu, a trustee of the Housing Investment Partners Trust.

Court papers filed at the high court in Joburg show that the Abo Mzala actor obtained a R655,700 home loan from the company in September 2014 to purchase his house in Ormonde, south of Joburg. According to the agreement attached to the papers, Sithebe and his wife Felicia had agreed to pay a R20,000 deposit and an initial fee of R5,700 to effect the home loan. The couple had also agreed to pay monthly bond installments of just over R6,200 per month over 20 years.

However, according to the court papers, Sithebe and his wife allegedly failed to honour their end of the deal and by April this year, they were in arrears of R16,600 after they allegedly failed to pay for three
months. The company told the court that they made the application after all their efforts to remind the couple of their debts came to naught. Felicia poured cold water on the story that they were facing homelessness, saying they have since resolved their debt problems. “As far as I know, we don’t owe that amount you are talking about on our bond,” she said.

“Last month I paid about R10,000 towards the bond, meaning now we are left with an amount of about R2,000 in arrears and we have made arrangements to pay.

By Aubrey Mothombeni and Meta Mphahlele


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