All systems go for matric Class of 2023 examinations – Motshekga

Umalusi has approved all question papers to be administered in the October/November 2023 examinations and given the nod to the exams.

The Umalusi Council for Quality Assurance in General and Further Education and Training sets and monitors standards for general and further education and training in South Africa in accordance with the National Qualifications Framework Act 67 of 2008.

Speaking at a media conference on Sunday, Motshekga said her department is ready to welcome grade 12 pupils in the examination centres across the country.

Exams get underway on Monday

More than 700 000 grade 12 pupils will sit for their examination starting on Monday, and the minister said security measures have been enhanced to prevent paper leaks.

“The State Security Agency has also audited these processes. Provincial education departments must follow standard operating procedures training storage point managers in security protocols,” Motshekga said.

Each province has also been allocated its own irregularity committee to anticipate and mitigate crises. 

Detailing measures put in place to tackle loadshedding, Motshekga said: “To mitigate the challenge of loadshedding, all PEDs [provincial education departments] and schools have devised contingency plans, including back-up generators.

“The Computer Applications Technology and Information Technology paper one examinations were generally conducted this week without power issues, with isolated incidents. Affected candidates were isolated and managed.

“Furthermore, the department will offer a back-up paper if needed due to power interruptions.
Plan for loadshedding during exams

Elaborating on loadshedding, she said : “In South African Sign Language Home Language, candidates’ laptops will be fully charged before each examination commences, and back-up power supply measures have been put in place.”

The department also confirmed that there are over 717 377 candidates registered to participate in the final examinations across 6 898 centres nationwide.

“These figures are not mere statistics, they embody the aspirations, dreams, and relentless efforts of our grade 12 learners. 

“They stand as a testament to the resilience of our students and the continuous dedication of the Department of Basic Education in providing them with a platform to succeed.”

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