ANC calls out DA over Hammanskraal cholera outbreak

South Africa’s ruling party, African National Congress (ANC) has called out the Democratic Alliance (DA) for its half-hearted cooperation in the Hammanskraal cholera outbreak.

In a statement on Monday, ANC spokesperson Mahlengi Bhengu-Motsiri said instead of the DA joining hands with the provincial and national government to deal with the tragedy, the party has resorted to their typical defensive, buck-passing and finger-pointing exercises without accepting any responsibility.

“We urge the DA to take responsibility for their failure to provide water fit for human consumption and commit to addressing the problem,” added Bhengu-Motsiri.

The ANC also expressed its sadness at the cholera outbreak, which continues to ravage the communities of Hammanskraal and has left in its wave 15 people dead and many others in hospital.

“ANC is also outraged, not only because cholera is a preventable disease, but because the DA-led City of Tshwane continues to trample on the dignity of the people of Hammanskraal and to shamelessly violate their human rights in the most heartless and inhuman manner.

“The tragedy unfolding in Hammanskraal is a direct outcome of a municipality that has been sleeping on the job and failed dismally to provide clean and safe drinking water to the people of Hammanskraal,” added Bhengu Motsiri.

The party also conveyed its heartfelt condolences to the families that have lost their loved ones and wished a speedy recovery to those who have been hospitalised.

“In the absence of clean and safe water, we urge our communities to observe all basic hygiene measures to prevent cholera.

“These measures include washing one’s hands thoroughly with soap before handling food and boiling water before drinking or using it for cooking. We urge our structures in Hammanskraal to be at the forefront of campaigns to raise community awareness and help prevent cholera,” noted Bhengu-Motsiri.

In response to the ANC,  the DA said Hammanskraal residents, like all South Africans, deserve transparency, accountability, and genuine efforts to address their immediate concerns. It is time for the ANC to collaborate for the communities’ betterment.

“On behalf of the DA in Tshwane, I am compelled to respond to a recent statement issued by the ANC Gauteng. It is concerning that, amidst a rapidly developing public health situation with all facts not yet known, the ANC is playing political games and engaging in shifting blame for the ongoing challenges at the Rooiwal Wastewater Treatment Plant, rather than focusing on finding solutions,” said DA Tshwane Caucus Chair, Jacqui Uys.

Uys added that it is hard to overlook the fact that the current challenges at the Rooiwal wastewater treatment plant are linked to past management decisions and insufficient investment in essential water infrastructure. The closure of the Temba Water Purification Plant in August 2011, under the ANC’s watch, was a significant setback for many residents and served as a clear indication of the deteriorating water quality.

“In fact, upon transitioning from the ANC to the mayoralty of Solly Msimanga, under a DA-led coalition, we found water quality in Hammanskraal to be alarmingly compromised. Tests conducted by the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) showed high concentrations of nitrites, nitrates, and E. coli traces in the tap water,” explained Uys.

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