Axe to fall on ANC eThekwini as party cleans up for 2026 election

The ANC’s mediocre electoral display in KwaZulu-Natal where its support plummeted from 54% to a shocking under 18% during the May national and provincial elections, has prompted the former ruling party to embark on a cleansing drive.   

The eThekwini region, which is one of the biggest regions in terms of branches, is said to be the first casualty. This decision to disband eThekwini was revealed to Sunday World by insiders, who said the move will be ratified by the provincial executive committee. The party’s highest decision-making body in the province is expected to convene on Sunday and Monday to set the plan in motion.

Disappointing outcome in eThekwini

“It’s no longer a plan, it is a decision that has been [rubber stamped]. There was a general consensus within the provincial working committee (PWC) that our poor electoral performance can be attributed to eThekwini. We lost some of our key wards. And this led to a conclusion that comrades let us down,” a member of the PWC not authorised to speak to the media told Sunday World.

The PWC is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the party.   

Another insider privy to the details explained that the region will be disbanded based on a recommendation by the PWC.

“The recommendation does not paint a good picture of the eThekwini regional executive committee. We have evidence that some comrades used the ANC resources to secretly campaign for the uMKhonto weSizwe Party. We lost in our biggest wards, such as a ward in 101. The general feeling was that heads must roll,” he said.    

MK Party swept the provincial vote

Leading up to watershed elections, the ANC had set itself a target of achieving 40% of its provincial vote in eThekwini. It failed to achieve that. The MK party, led by former President Jacob Zuma, made a clean sweep. It scored more than 45% provincial vote. A chunk of it came from eThekwini voting district.

The disbandment of eThekwini was a long time coming. Months before the elections, the PEC snubbed regional secretary Musa Nciki. It appointed former education MEC and PEC member Mthandeni Dlungwane to head the elections in the region. Traditionally, the regional secretary is responsible for coordinating elections.

Nciki was, however, unrepentant on the pending move, daring the PEC to do their worst.

“Disband us now. Wherever we are, we will continue to serve the ANC. Even in the street committees. We did not join the ANC for positions,” he said recently while addressing ANC supporters.

Mafika Mndebele, KwaZulu-Natal ANC spokesperson said: “ That has not been communicated by the ANC.”  

Region battles stability post elections

Since its election to office, there has not been any stability in the eThekwini region. Zandile Gumede, the regional chairperson, has spent most of her time in court. The matter involves a multimillion rand Durban Solid Waste tender. She is accused of being the mastermind in the looting frenzy that involved the tender. This happened while she was the mayor of eThekwini.

The region has also been embroiled in several run-ins with the provincial leadership. Recently, the region came out publicly accusing the top structure of sidelining the regional leadership. This was during the deliberations of eThekwini mayorship, which was subsequently given to Cyril Xaba.

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