Brother inconsolable after farmers shot, fed sister to pigs

The recent fatal shooting of two women in Limpopo has brought poignant memories of unabated farm killings that have been bedevilling the province.

The latest victim of the scourge, Mariah Makgato, 47, went missing on August 17. She had gone to a farm near Sebayeng outside Polokwane to pick up expired dairy products.

Makgato was in the company of another woman aged 35, and a foreign national man, 47, whose identity has not been made public.

While they were near the farmstead, they were accosted by two white men who reportedly shot them and fed them to pigs.

Male companion fled and reported the grisly murder

The foreign national who was with the two women managed to escape and made his way to a nearby hospital. He is currently receiving medical treatment.

Police reports indicate that there was a missing person case over the weekend. This was prior to the grim discovery of the lifeless bodies at the farm on Wednesday.

The women’s bodies were riddled with gunshot wounds. Officials confirmed that they were mauled by the farm swines.

They were found at an advanced stage of decomposition over the weekend.

The provincial tracking team and murder and robbery unit conducted the search. They made a breakthrough by arresting farm owner, 60, and an employee, 19, on Wednesday. The arrests followed a thorough investigation.

Scourge of farm killings a problem in the province

Makgato’s brother, Walter Mathole, said seeing the bodies in that state was a grim reminder. It was proof that farm killings will never cease in the province.

“Seeing those women lying there after being shot like that and … fed to animals really shows that these white people are merciless. They will never change their attitudes towards black people.

“It’s so inhumane and confirms that they had no conscience. They pulled the trigger and subsequently fed them to pigs to feast on human flesh. It’s so disgusting and bone-chilling.”

Premier Phophi Ramathuba has strongly condemned the senseless attack. She further lambasted the escalating statistics of femicide incidents in the province.

“We are outraged about these heinous acts of violence against two women and the wounding of a man in our province. Such brutal and senseless acts have no place in our society. Especially during Women’s Month,” Ramathuba said.

“Over the past weeks, we have learned of several cases of women being killed in gender-based-violence (GBV) incidents.

“These kinds of incidents serve as a stark reminder of the urgent need to continue our collective efforts to combat GBV. And to protect the rights and dignity of all individuals in our communities.

Premier calls for action on perpetrators

“We call on the authorities to ensure that those responsible for this horrific crime are swiftly brought to justice. As a society, we must unite to protect the most vulnerable among us. And ensure that women and children can live without fear.”

Provincial police commissioner, Lieutenant General Thembi Hadebe, commended the swift arrest of the two suspects.

“This is one of the most disturbing and inhumane acts in our province. And we will ensure those responsible face the full might of the law,” said Hadebe.
The suspects will appear before Mankweng magistrate’s court on Friday. They will face two counts of murder and one count of attempted murder.

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  1. Absolutely disgusting! How can anybody carry out such an inhuman act like this? Shame on you! This is where a death sentence should be carried out.

  2. This is not a Gender based violance. This is a racial based violance.

    Boy do my people suffer. Even in the corporate environment.

    It is so unfair that racial injustice still prevails. Those who say that apartheid is over are wrong. 1994 election changed the constitution but not all hearts were changed.

    But even so, those hearts that changed do understand what we still go through on a daily basis.

    There are those who are intend on emotionlly abusing us and discriminating against us. And there are those who ignorant because it justifies them.

    Our Country is still very much racist.

    • Ow yes please dont bring all the black on black crime in. Might not look so good. This was wrong. No person should be killed for any reason. But fool like you make it worse. This was not a racist attack. I am sure when the truth comes out you will hear these women most likely tried to extort the farmer.

      • …anything that comes of a faceless acephalous like you is just as empty as a space devoid of air. Your own statement is just as racist as the muderous act committed by those barbarians, uneducated Afrikaaners. Show your ugly face, you motherfucker.

    • Notwithstanding murder, feeding of human flesh to pigs actually qualifies the farm for attachment by Asset Forfeiture Unit as the farm used to commit crime, & pigs satieted on human flesh cannot be allowed to be consumed by human beings or for breeding purposes.

  3. Why does everyone assume it has something to do with race? Everybody here seems to “know” everything. Lets not give the race baters what they want. Lets see what the facts are, as gruesome as they may be. Hopefully investigations will be done professionally and with out emotion, as difficult as that may be

  4. Black South-Africans are the most backward human beings on earth. You continue to be slaves to your colonizers yet you despise your fellow foreign Africans from Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Ghana, etc.
    Upscale and develop yourselves. Embrace your fellow black and build your black economy. Idiots.

  5. “to pick up expired dairy products”… Yeah, not at all for stealing and/or killing the farmers, of course. This kind of event would never happen in South Africa.

    Also the “fed to pigs” part was according to the victim’s brother, not authorities.


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