Charmza Rassool

Charmza Rassool

As the old adage goes, the truth shall set you free, but first it will make others angry.  

Our esteemed ambassador to the bullies – the US – has given meaning to adage with his factual characterisation of US President Donald Trump. 

It is a known fact that Trump is the poster boy for white supremacists globally and the basis of his Maga (Make America Great Again) movement. 

Maga is so supremacist because the whole concept is based on the undertone that the US lost its greatness with the emergence of non-whites into positions of power and influence in the US power structure. You will remember that the concept was birthed in response to the Barack Obama two-term presidency. 

Perhaps Rassool, as a diplomat, could have stated these facts more diplomatically but it does not negate facts and will not change because US bullies are threatening to expel him from Washington. 

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