City Power worried about Sanco threats to its employees

Leaders of the South African National Civic Organisation (Sanco) threatened City Power employees and contractors. The leaders have ordered their followers to attack City Power workers every time they see them working in their areas. 

This is according to City Power spokesperson Isaac Mangena. 

“City Power would like to caution the South African National Civic Organisation (Sanco) in Zone 13, which includes Alexandra – from instigating violence against our technicians and contractors.

“Earlier this morning, Sanco submitted a memorandum to City Power Alexandra Service Delivery Centre (SDC). It contained a list of demands, including a call for residents to pay a flat rate charge for electricity.

Sanco demands end to installation of smart meters

“The organisation also demands the entity to cease with its work of installing smart meters in Alexandra. The work must stop until a community imbizo is held, it says. What had us deeply worried is that the leaders of the march went further to threaten City Power employees and contractors.

“They were ordering their followers to attack our workers every time they see them working in their areas,” said Mangena.  Mangena said these threats are concerning, especially given the history of violence in the area of Alexandra. 

“The intimidation cannot be taken lightly. Because it comes at a time when our teams have been repeatedly subjected to attacks and insults. And this affects service delivery in the city.

“While City Power is currently seized with the memorandum and working to respond to it, Sanco in its threats, failed to consider that there are currently outages and maintenance work that our teams need to respond to. This in order to keep the lights on in the area.

Safety of employees is priority

“These threats leave our employees in a state of discomfort and apprehension. As such, City Power will not hesitate to remove its employees in the areas where Sanco made threats. And we will not respond to any repairs and maintenance work until the 14 days provided by Sanco lapses.

“The safety of our employees and that of our contractors is very important. And we will not compromise it. We take these threats very seriously and have informed law enforcement agencies to be vigilant. To also act against anyone who threatens service delivery in Alexandra.

“We have also informed councillors of our concerns. And we urge the community to cooperate with our teams and ensure that they are protected when doing their work. This includes repairs and maintenance, and projects,” said Mangena. 

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