Civil society groups back call to ban Israel from Olympics

Several civil society organisations have added their support to Peace Mabe’s call to forbid Israel from competing in the Paris 2024 Summer Olympic Games.

In a joint statement released on Wednesday, the organisations said they stand by Mabe’s call that the continuing participation of Israel in the Olympics contravenes the spirit of the sporting event.

Gift of the Givers, South African Jews for a Free Palestine, and the University of Johannesburg Palestinian Solidarity Forum all signed the statement.

Mabe, the Deputy Minister of Sport, Arts, and Culture, released a media statement condemning Israel’s participation in the Olympics this month, stating that Israel should be banned from the sporting event.

Israel is an apartheid state

“As civil society organisations, we support the position that Israel should be banned
from the current Olympic Games,” reads the joint statement.

“Furthermore, we support our deputy minister, Peace Mabe, who, true to her name, has made a public statement pointing out that Israel’s participation in the games is in contravention of the spirit of the event itself.

“The International Court of Justice [ICJ], the highest court in the world, was unequivocal in
stating on July 19, 2024, that Israel is an apartheid state — a charge consistently made
by Palestinians for decades, and confirmed by such human rights organisations as
Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and B’Tselem [an Israeli human rights

“South Africa was excluded from the Olympic Games for 30 years because of
the ultra-nationalist apartheid policies enforced by its erstwhile white minority

Gaza children are victims of ongoing war

The statement reads further: “An interim ruling has also been issued by the ICJ that Israel is plausibly committing genocide. One million people in Gaza are at risk of dying from starvation and disease.

“The most devastating of all has been the deaths of innocent children, who form half of Gaza’s population.

“Ethnic cleansing is also still ongoing in the West Bank as the state of Israel continues to create illegal settlements, arrest Palestinians, kill civilians, and destroy villages and homes. 

“Some 342 Palestinian athletes have been killed by Israel in this ongoing genocide,
and over 12 000 children have been injured, many of whom have lost limbs.

“Had any of these children hoped to one day participate in the Olympic Games — those hopes lie in ruins alongside Gaza itself.

“Art, sport and culture have always had a deep impact on people and a profound ability to unite disparate groups in their enjoyment and appreciation thereof.”

Minister McKenzie lambasted

The organisations said Minister of Sport, Arts, and Culture, Gayton McKenzie, has made a divisive move by not supporting the statement made by his deputy minister, “which is in line with our national policy and obligations as a member state of the UN, not to support apartheid”.

“It falls within his duties and responsibilities to do so as a member of the national executive in the government of national unity.

“This should be a time when people around the world come together to demand justice and freedom for all, as this year’s Olympic Games once again shines a spotlight on human rights.

“The banning of apartheid South Africa from participation in the Olympics was an important symbolic and strategic act in support of the struggle for the freedom we enjoy today.

“We urge our elected officials to continue to join deputy minister Peace Mabe and show solidarity with the liberation struggle of our Palestinian kin, who did the same for us during our hour of need.”

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