Cop hands himself over to police after killing estranged wife

A 48-year-old warrant officer has handed himself over to the police after he allegedly killed his former wife.

The incident took place on Tuesday afternoon in Sandvlakte, Zeerust in North West.

According to Brigadier Sabata Mokwabone, the Nietverdiendwas-stationed off-duty police officer went to a house in Sandvlakte and allegedly opened fire on his 44-year-old estranged wife, killing her and a man who was with her instantly.

The estranged wife was also a police officer stationed at Kopfontein port of entry.

“Subsequent to the incident, the suspect handed himself over to the police and the firearm that was allegedly used during the commission of the crime was confiscated,” said Mokwabone.

The motive for the shooting is being investigated, he added.

Lieutenant-General Sello Kwena, provincial police commissioner in North West, condemned the incident and conveyed his condolences to the families, friends and colleagues of the victims.

Kwena urged police officers to utilise services of the employee health and wellness and other professionals to deal with pressing personal matters instead of resorting to violence.

The suspect is expected at the Zeerust magistrate’s court soon to answer to charges of murder.

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