Cosatu calls on DA to show ‘racist’ MP Gouws the door

Trade union federation Cosatu has warned the DA to give up “its anti-worker agenda” and discard alleged racist party members like its MP Renaldo Gouws in order to secure organised labour’s endorsement as a part of the government of national unity (GNU).

Cosatu’s spokesperson, Solly Phetoe, said this during a media briefing on Monday after the federation’s central executive committee meeting held the previous week.

He said Cosatu was still against the DA and its propensity to support and honour alleged racists such as Gouws.

“The Democratic Alliance has a track record of opposing any labour reforms aimed at enhancing worker welfare,” said Phetoe.

“Its propensity to support and honour racists like Renaldo Gouws among its ranks exacerbates already serious problems.”

Push for Gouws to be charged

After a video of him going on a racist rant went viral, the DA suspended Gouws last week.

Phetoe called on the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) to criminally charge Gouws for his racist utterances.

“If the DA is to be part of the government of national unity, then it must abandon its anti-transformation agenda.

“We expect the ANC as the leader of the GNU to ensure that the government is biassed towards the working class and accelerate the transformation agenda.”

Phetoe acknowledged that since 1994, the ANC has never faced elections as difficult as the ones that took place on May 29.

“Despite the ANC not attaining the 51% needed to form a government on its own, we hope that the ANC manifesto will not be thrown into a bin because we contributed to it; we believe in the ANC manifesto,” Phetoe said.

No role in cabinet appointments

He said Cosatu welcomes the GNU’s declaration of intent to protect workers’ rights and to engage with labour, business, and civil society on the GNU’s policy platform.

He, however, said the trade union federation will not call the shots on who should be appointed minister.

“We cannot decide for the president who to put in his cabinet, but we would be happy if [the departments of] public service and labour would be under people who would advocate for the interests of the workers.

“The federation will help facilitate other partners cooperation in the GNU and will hold the ANC accountable.”

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