South Africa has now recorded a total of 20 241 COVID-19 deaths as the deadly virus continues to claim lives and infect new people. The Department of Health said 1 842 new coronavirus cases were recorded across the country.
The world this past week got hope that the race to find a vaccine for the virus was on hand when Pfizer said its vaccine was 90% effective to deal with the virus. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has also weighed in on the rampant spread of the virus and the measures taken to curb the virus.
“The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the consequences of chronic under-investment in public health. But we don’t just need more investment; we must also rethink how we value health,” said WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, as he made the announcement on the final day of the resumed 73rd World Health Assembly on Friday.
Chaired by noted economist Professor Mazzucato, Professor of the Economics of Innovation and Public Value and Founding Director in the Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose at University College London, the Council will aim to create a body of work that sees investment in local and global health systems as an investment in the future, not as a short-term cost. Designing such investments makes our economies more healthy, inclusive and sustainable.
The COVID-19 pandemic, with 52 million reported cases and 1.3 million deaths around the world, has shown the dire consequences of chronic under-investment in health on the global economy and on the lives and livelihoods of billions worldwide.