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Birthday party shooter sentenced to 53 years
On Friday, Kirk Daniels (30) was sentenced 53 years in prison for two murders, one attempted murder and possession of an illegal firearm as well as bullets.
Police spokesperson Captain Frederick van Wyk said Daniels had appeared in the Mitchells Plain Regional Court. The court found him guilty on November 6 last year.
Three witnesses testified he was the shooter in the April 19 2019 birthday party killing.
Back then around 18:20, revellers at a Garcia Street, Tafelsig, party were surprised when a man opened fire on them. The shooter would later be identified as Daniels.
Two died, one survived
He said two men were fatally wounded, one survived his serious injuries.
Anti-gang detectives quickly linked Daniels to the shooting and he was arrested.
Later the case was later withdrawn in 2021 when witnesses refused to testify for fear of reprisals. Daniesl was released. However he was again arrested for possession of an illegal firearm.
Investigating officer Detective Sergeant Bradley Schuurman of the anti-gang unit was able to convince the murder case witnesses to testify against Daniels and the case was re-enrolled.
Daniels was sentenced to eight years for attempted murder, 15 years each for the murders, 10 years for the possession of an illegal firearm and five years for the possession of ammunition.
Investigating officer lauded
Van Wyk said Western Cape police commissioner Lieutenant-General Advocate Thembisile Patekile welcomed the conviction and sentencing.
Patekile commended Schuurman for his meticulous investigation and the prosecutors for their successful prosecution.
Van Wyk said Schuurman worked day and night to build a water-tight case.
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