Dobsonville serial rapist gets double life, 60 years imprisonment

The Protea Regional Court sentenced 45-year-old Thapelo Malatji to two life sentences in prison for a string of crimes he committed in Dobsonville from 2011.

Malatji’s method of operation was robbing people at gunpoint and then dragging them to a remote location where he would repeatedly rape them.

In addition to being beaten, one of his victims had a laptop, R6 000 in cash, a cellphone, a handbag, bank cards, and shoes taken from them.

After being detained in the North West on suspicion of stealing, the accused was linked to several incidents in Soweto, according to Sargeant Twala’s subsequent investigation.

Malatji was consequently arrested on July 31, 2020, in connection with the Soweto case, and he was charged with several offences.

For two counts of aggravated robbery, he was given a 30-year sentence.

High rate of violent crimes

In addition, he received a double life sentence for two counts of rape and an extra 30-year sentence for two counts of kidnapping.

The prosecutor, Thapelo Mohapi, made arguments in court that emphasised the alarmingly high rate of violent crimes involving firearms and sexual assaults in the nation.

Additionally, he argued that the accused poses a serious threat to society because of the way these crimes were committed, which shows a flagrant disregard for human life and safety.

The prosecutor went on to say that in order to protect communities from future harm, the accused must be rendered incapable through incarceration.

National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) spokesperson, Phindi Mjondwane, said: This outcome demonstrates the NPA’s dedication to holding perpetrators accountable for gender-based violence and to delivering justice to victims and their families.

Also Read: D-day for woman who brutally stabbed, shot dead her lover

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