Doubts raised over Thwala’s account of events in Meyiwa murder

The cross-examination of state witness Mthokozisi Thwala in the Pretoria High Court on Monday raised doubts about his account of the events that led to the murder of Senzo Meyiwa.

Thwala previously testified that he was present in the house of Kelly Khumalo’s mother when two intruders, one armed with a gun and the other with a knife, entered the house and demanded money and cellphones.

He claimed that Longwe Twala, who was also present, got up, pushed the gunman aside, and ran outside. Longwe is the son of musician Sello “Chicco” Twala and was dating Khumalo’s sister Zandi at the time of Meyiwa’s murder.

However, the defence lawyer for accused one and two, advocate Sipho Ramosepele, questioned Thwala’s version of events, stating that there was no robbery and no armed intruders present when Meyiwa was shot.

Ramosepele disputed Thwala’s assertion that Twala had pushed an armed intruder and fled the scene, arguing that such a scenario was implausible in reality.

He further questioned why Twala did not alert anyone or raise the alarm when he fled the house, adding to the doubts surrounding Thwala’s version of events.

“Longwe Twala was there in the house when the shot was fired,” Ramosepele said. “This apparent act of bravado from Longwe Twala did not happen,” Ramosepele added.

To which Thwala responded: “I do not know how you want me to explain it, but that is how it happened.”

Thwala also testified that he had run out of the house and jumped into a neighbour’s yard before returning to the Khumalo household.

However, Ramosepele presented a statement from the neighbour, who claimed that Thwala had told them that there was a problem in the Khumalo household, and that Meyiwa had been shot.

Thwala had previously stated that he did not see whether Meyiwa had been shot, as he ran out of the house.

The trial continues…

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