Education assistant vacancies up for grabs

The Free State provincial department of education is calling on the youth between 18 and 35 years to apply for the fourth phase of the Presidential Youth Employment Initiative.

The spokesperson for the department, Howard Ndaba, said the applicants should be young people who were not part of phases one, two and three of the employment initiative. They should live 5km away from the school they have applied for, are not working, not studying or receiving social grants, and are not in training or in a learnership.

“All applicants must have no criminal record. If applying for the EA [education assistant] position, applicants must have the National Senior Certificate. The successful applicants will be placed in all public schools as education assistants and general school assistants,” said Ndaba.

Ndaba said applications will open on September 26 and close on October 16. Interviews for shortlisted candidates will then follow from November to December.

“Phase one of this initiative, which was implemented from 1 December 2020 to 31 March 2021, created 19 226 jobs for young people. Phases two and three created 15 309 jobs for young people, respectively.”

The department also extended its gratitude to all the youth who participated in phases one, two and three of the Presidential Youth Employment Initiative in the sector.

For more education news from Sunday World, click here.

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